Services Provided

By Walt Kasmir, Ph.D.

The Eldercare Coach®


Start Working With Dr. Kasmir

Professional Advocate | Aging Expert | Trainer

…Author of Artistry of Eldercare

Disability (SSDI) Advocate

Successfully appeal your Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) claim! Or, win Veterans Disability Pension claim.

Trainer - Speaker

Transformative behavioral expert authoritatively speaks about achievement, resilience, wealth, and wisdom.

Eldercare Coaching

Eldercare Experts will help Adult Children of Aging Parents cope with stress, and co-ordinate your parent’s care.

Grief Counselor

We ALL experience grief and loss, but you’re not alone.  Learn to survive and thrive amidst loss. We’re here to help.

An Aging Expert Helping You Help Them!

With Walt Kasmir, Ph.D., The  Eldercare Coach®